Developer: GRIN
Genre: Modern Tactical Shooter
Release Date: Jul 17, 2007 (more)
Number of Players: 1 Player
Number of Online Players: 32 Online
The major difference between the two versions is that the Xbox 360 is much more action focused, while the PC is a lot more simulation heavy. It's a huge difference. You can sprint your way through the Xbox 360 game, knowing that you can heal up easily whenever you hit a resupply point. In the PC version, the pace is a lot slower and more methodical. If you try to run-and-gun through you'll get cut down within seconds. It's all about moving slowly, using cover, and suppressing the enemy with cover fire. You have a fairly small health bar, and it can be drained relatively quickly. Even worse, a hit in the wrong place will kill you no matter what, so the PC version is very much one shot, one kill. And if you do manage to find a place to resupply, you do not heal.
While this kind of realistic authenticity is the hallmark of Ghost Recon games on the PC, GRAW 2 is a lot tougher than its predecessors. Part of that is the nature of the gameplay, which is very unforgiving, but it's also due to the huge size of the levels. You have to carefully ration your health bar or else you'll find yourself in a bad spot. For instance, if you take a couple of hits early on, it's usually best to just start the mission over because odds are you'll never survive the middle and later parts of the level, especially since you can't heal. There is a quick save and a quick load that you'll need to use early and often, as you'll get cut down without warning a lot. And this was on the easiest difficulty setting. Trying to play at the default difficulty is murder.
You do have up to three other soldiers at your command, as well as various support elements such as aerial recon drones and the ability to call in air strikes or artillery. The squad controls are fairly simple because they're context sensitive. Simply move the cursor onscreen and you'll tell the squad to move to that spot or attack it. Unfortunately, the artificial intelligence, while sharp, isn't sharp enough. It's pretty good about using cover, but nowhere near as good as a human mind. It's not hard for your guys to get cut down behind you, which at times makes them more of a hindrance. The better missions in the game are the ones that have you going almost lone wolf. It's during these levels that the PC version shines, as you don't need to worry about micromanaging the squad and can go around stalking the enemy.
The PC version does allow a bit more freedom in mission setup: you can select the troopers that go with you, as well as custom-outfit their gear, choosing from different weapons and accessories, like grenade launchers, scopes, and silencers. (If a trooper is cut down, he's unavailable for later missions.) The only thing that this mode needs is a way to save a loadout so you can easily outfit your team with the same gear. Instead, you have to load out each trooper separately, a somewhat annoying process.
Aside from the sheer difficulty of the game, the other hit against the PC version is its drabness. The game recycles much of the textures and buildings from its predecessor, so the slums of Juarez look almost identical to the industrial areas of Mexico City. The game is dominated by its brown-and-yellow palette, and the color scheme is so bland and lifeless that it sucks a lot of life out of the otherwise solid graphic engine. You'd be hard-pressed to find something in the game that's a bright red or green or blue. Even the skies feel oppressive. The Xbox 360 did a much better job of actually creating environments that felt like they had some color and culture to them. The PC version feels like it's set in what appears to be the dullest and driest place on Earth.
While the difficulty will undoubtedly be one of the things that the dedicated fans of the series will look forward to, GRAW 2 raises the challenge bar to a new level. That said, if you're looking for a relatively quick and painless shooting experience, look elsewhere. If you want to experience a brutal battlefield where death can happen suddenly, then check out GRAW 2.
By Jason Ocampo, GameSpot