Developer: Zoo Digital Pub
Genre: Soccer Management
Release Date: Aug 17, 2007 (EU)
Forget Madden and all its heavily armoured, deathly dull memory games. If you want real sports management, you want to manage a lowly team of journeymen to the top of the English Premier League - if you don't then you're in the wrong place - and you can pick up your helmet, padding and EPO down the hall.With the beautiful game firmly in my mind and soul, I took a trip across to Sheffield to sit down with Zoo Digital Publishing and take a look at Premier Manager 08.For those not familiar with the Premier Manager series, it's the charming, smiley brother in the family of the most quintessentially English of all games genres: football management. If Championship Manager and Football Manager are impenetrable pre-Lord of the Rings Tolkein, then Premier Manager is Harry Potter. Fun, accessible and kid-friendly.
Jon SeymourInstead of a complex interface that hurts your eyes as you try to understand it, Premier Manager has a user-friendly hub that's never more than two clicks away. Instead of reams of figures hitting you on a daily basis, you'll find the progressor, an accessible daily update with your staff on hand to give you updates. Instead of dense text giving you information on your players skills, you'll find a new RPG-style graphical interface.In short, Premier Manager is set up as the friendly Saturday afternoon kick about to other footy management games' brutal Sunday league.I could go on, but instead I'm going to turn you over to Jon Seymour, the Producer of PM, and Andy Gray, Zoo's PR and marketing manager, to talk us through what this season has to offer.
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