Don t be forced to buy Yuri s revenge, the official expansion to last year 's Red Alert 2, simply because the image shows a mentality of control lunatic gives cold look - besides the fact there are many good reasons to master the game. This impressive add-on for fun and frenetic Red Alert 2 is doing what other major real-time strategy for the expansion of the package, conquerors of Age of Empires II and Starcraft Brood War, have done before -- and making a great game even better, not only on developing new features, but also adding quite significant improvements that result was not only larger than its predecessor, but legitimately different. This means Yuri s Revenge will more than likely a renewed interest in Westwood s above Thursday
original Red Alert 2 was created in the near future war between the Allies and the USSR - a serious principle, but Red Alert 2 didn t taken seriously. In fact, the game a sense of humour has proven to be one of its strong suits, as the license ga designers get really bizarre devices - Soviet able to deploy in the minds controlled by the squid giant, while allies have access to the elite, where troops and special weapons could literally wipe their enemies at that time. Yuri Revenge s Red Alert 2 controls more to the absurd - above all, the game introduces an interesting, all the news playable faction headed by the incumbent Yuri, a renegade Soviet psychic. Yuri, played with creepy panache of a veteran character actor Udo Kier, met an army composed of several gadgets really evil, the spirit of arms control, and experiences-ido bad. Yuri s is the enemy forces in the two new campaigns that appear on revenge Yuri - one for the Allies and the Soviet regime, each with seven major tasks. It is not enough for e Yuri not his own campaign - but you can control their forces from combat or multiplayer modes.
Yuri s
many units are very interesting. Its Gatling tanks fire more quickly to their goals - whether it can protect them long enough, the end will be dishing major damage to an enormous rate of fire. These devices can be sized to defend frivolous Yuri s tank in bunkers - immobile fortifications to leave their tanks fire on the attackers without fear of reprisal. In the meantime, the brain, a strange tanklike vehicle can automatically control the mind of any enemy unit crossing the road - which controls the minds of devices automatically, but the catch is that if it starts short-account controls more wood . Yuri also commands legions Incredible Hulk-like mutants called brut, which can go walk-feet with the enemy tanks. The defensive structures are automatically groups control devices which fall within its sphere of influence - the imposition of a real obstacle. Moreover, s been a very unpleasant nuclear submarines in its arsenal. In total, Yuri new faction is very different from those of the Soviets and Allies - including mineral collection, called the slave mines, there is no other collectors pages. The self-contained refinery, and slave devices automatically ore shovel in this platform to fuel armed Yuri s war effort. As for the other two factions, Yuri s side have a great personality and is composed of units that are well designed, memorable and worthy of use in most of the fighting. Yuri s forces are physically weak when compared directly with the Allies and the USSR - but it can be used for purposes diverted.
Fortunately for the Allies and Soviet everyone becomes more and more powerful, new weapons that can level the playing field against when Yuri s dirty tricks. For example, the Allies get the game called a bunker - a vehicle so large that it can crush the enemy tanks under the powerful rotation. Up to five of each type of infantry May be placed in a battle of airlift and sealift, which in fact be a very powerful weapon that can maintain the multi-guess the enemy. The allies also have a powerful new addition to the already sharp division: Guardian GI, in which anti-tank weapons can wreak havoc on the enemy and both Armored flight. The new robot Allied tank is a new major - mechanized weapons could fall on any surface, including water, and it is immune to mind. But the players allies who put all their eggs in one basket of its investments in a number of tanks robot must be careful, because if the enemy blows allies central offline, the robot ideas on the ground died.
Game Info.
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Westwood Studios
Genre: Sci-Fi Real-Time Strategy
Release Date: Oct 10, 2001
Minimum System Requirements
System: PII 266 or equivalent
RAM: 64 MB
Video Memory: 2 MB
Hard Drive Space: 200 MB
Recommended System Requirements
System: PII 450 or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB
original Red Alert 2 was created in the near future war between the Allies and the USSR - a serious principle, but Red Alert 2 didn t taken seriously. In fact, the game a sense of humour has proven to be one of its strong suits, as the license ga designers get really bizarre devices - Soviet able to deploy in the minds controlled by the squid giant, while allies have access to the elite, where troops and special weapons could literally wipe their enemies at that time. Yuri Revenge s Red Alert 2 controls more to the absurd - above all, the game introduces an interesting, all the news playable faction headed by the incumbent Yuri, a renegade Soviet psychic. Yuri, played with creepy panache of a veteran character actor Udo Kier, met an army composed of several gadgets really evil, the spirit of arms control, and experiences-ido bad. Yuri s is the enemy forces in the two new campaigns that appear on revenge Yuri - one for the Allies and the Soviet regime, each with seven major tasks. It is not enough for e Yuri not his own campaign - but you can control their forces from combat or multiplayer modes.
Yuri s
many units are very interesting. Its Gatling tanks fire more quickly to their goals - whether it can protect them long enough, the end will be dishing major damage to an enormous rate of fire. These devices can be sized to defend frivolous Yuri s tank in bunkers - immobile fortifications to leave their tanks fire on the attackers without fear of reprisal. In the meantime, the brain, a strange tanklike vehicle can automatically control the mind of any enemy unit crossing the road - which controls the minds of devices automatically, but the catch is that if it starts short-account controls more wood . Yuri also commands legions Incredible Hulk-like mutants called brut, which can go walk-feet with the enemy tanks. The defensive structures are automatically groups control devices which fall within its sphere of influence - the imposition of a real obstacle. Moreover, s been a very unpleasant nuclear submarines in its arsenal. In total, Yuri new faction is very different from those of the Soviets and Allies - including mineral collection, called the slave mines, there is no other collectors pages. The self-contained refinery, and slave devices automatically ore shovel in this platform to fuel armed Yuri s war effort. As for the other two factions, Yuri s side have a great personality and is composed of units that are well designed, memorable and worthy of use in most of the fighting. Yuri s forces are physically weak when compared directly with the Allies and the USSR - but it can be used for purposes diverted.
Fortunately for the Allies and Soviet everyone becomes more and more powerful, new weapons that can level the playing field against when Yuri s dirty tricks. For example, the Allies get the game called a bunker - a vehicle so large that it can crush the enemy tanks under the powerful rotation. Up to five of each type of infantry May be placed in a battle of airlift and sealift, which in fact be a very powerful weapon that can maintain the multi-guess the enemy. The allies also have a powerful new addition to the already sharp division: Guardian GI, in which anti-tank weapons can wreak havoc on the enemy and both Armored flight. The new robot Allied tank is a new major - mechanized weapons could fall on any surface, including water, and it is immune to mind. But the players allies who put all their eggs in one basket of its investments in a number of tanks robot must be careful, because if the enemy blows allies central offline, the robot ideas on the ground died.
Game Info.
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Westwood Studios
Genre: Sci-Fi Real-Time Strategy
Release Date: Oct 10, 2001
Minimum System Requirements
System: PII 266 or equivalent
RAM: 64 MB
Video Memory: 2 MB
Hard Drive Space: 200 MB
Recommended System Requirements
System: PII 450 or equivalent
RAM: 128 MB
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