The original Black & White is a strategy game that separates those who play into two camps: those who loved him completely open nature and those who find a little opening, and meanders its own name. For those who expect Black & White 2, the good news is that the result is less open and more structured. In fact, this time it is a more coherent story, making it feel like a different game. But it comes at the expense of some of the free-form game, you can creatures of the original.
Like its predecessor, Black & White 2 combines different genres of games in a single set. You are going to build sophisticated cities, advancement and soldiers in combat, and if there were not enough, will interact with their giant creatures, a kind of pets that could also serve as " executor. It is both Black & White 2 is surprising that all mixtures at the same time as it does. Even if it is a little more in some areas from time to time.
Black & White 2 is regarded as a god Thursday because you play well, a god. More specifically, you happen to be the god of Greeks, but that does not mean that you are a Zeus or Hera or the traditional pantheon. The property is in a fantasy world which is occupied by the Greeks, Norseman, Japanese, and the Aztecs. The Aztecs began on Thursday bagged the Greek capital, but not before you're able to spirit away a handful of survivors to a distant country in order to start from scratch. This story is a great improvement over the first part, because it provides a reason to see the end, and an enemy raised to take.
as a god, you have a mutual respect for its people. They worship so that you can not exist, and in return you give them and make sure to flourish, thus increasing its influence in the world. It does not mean that you must be a good god, but as the game takes its name from the fact that there May be a good and benevolent god or an evil, bloodthirsty god. For example, requires you to Manna to feed its divine miracles, and this objective can be achieved in getting their followers to worship in an altar, or to randomly select a trailer with his hand all-powerful and launch it in the sacrificial fire. You can take and manipulate objects in its effects, and is also a way to impress people. If you need to construct a building quickly, you can start a three-and-drop in building foundations. Or, if you are a god more patient, it is only to pick up and drop a trailer beside what you want to do, and they receive by pressing.
That said, is that his most important work in Black & White 2 includes the construction of cities. In fact, the city is to build a large part of the game, and can easily spend hours creating each city. There are two main strategies, and both are based on building a great city. You can try to dominate your enemy of peace by building an impressive big city that will not lead people to their side, or you can create a great city that has a large population, which supports a large army, which in turn can be used to crush the other party. Or, as is often the case, you can use a mixture of both to achieve its means, the conquest of peace in some cities, while the conquest of others by force.
challenge of the layout of the city, of course, is that you build something complicated in space. Often, you have a limited number of land to develop, since it is usually the terrain that prevent the expansion of the city in certain directions. Beyond that, you must build a city that can be defended, which means that maintaining the city in defending against the ground, or build walls to keep the IL. As in any city-building games, is a large number of buildings and structures that you need to put in place to support its population, fields to generate food, housing, markets, and much more. The choices that you have a cascading effect on the city. Place a series of slum house its growing population and a desolate city. On the other hand, the placement of houses will be an inefficient use of the limited space available to them. The idea is to establish a balance between its needs and create something functional and enjoyable (at least if you are going to win the Pacific). In the meantime, if you're looking for a militant victory, you still need to create an infrastructure to support large armies. This means that the fields to produce more food, home support workers, arsenals, and much more.
The real act of building the city is easy, thanks to the intuitive control system that allows you to interact with the rest of the world with his all-powerful. The game tells you everything you need to know useful with pop-up buttons, and can meet the needs of their followers by collecting only what they want and place it in the world. The need to build more housing? Just take an existing house, move his form you want to mount a new, and the Foundation said the ground right now. Or, if the need to establish a certain way, just take an existing road and leave the new way you want. The whole system of control is so elegant almost thought you never have to take on the keyboard.
Although the city is building in the heart of Black & White 2, which is also believed as he went a little too long. The first two cities that you can build interesting, but after the last part of the game, you realize that you repeat the process again and again. Most of what you do is to wait until the structures under construction, or for people to race or for a group of immigrants to make their way slowly map to participate in the city. If you are looking for a peaceful victory, trying to shoe horn as many buildings as they can within their borders, a process that you have repeated before at all levels. This process can be extensive, especially on levels where you are on the defensive all the time. The enemy may God send you a natural disaster in its own way, which forces you to build defenses, and that everything that has been slaughtered. And while you can lock a number of new buildings during the game, it is a point where you have locked in place and almost everything is still under construction a copy of what he has built before.
Game Info.
Publisher: EA Games
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Genre: Real-Time Strategy
Release Date: Oct 4, 2005 (more)
ESRB Descriptors: Crude Humor, Use of Alcohol, Violence
Minimum System Requirements
System: Intel Pentium 4 1.6 GHz or equivalent
RAM: 512 MB
Video Memory: 64 MB
Hard Drive Space: 3500 MB
Other: DirectX 8+ based, DirectX 9c+ (supplied with install)
Screen Shots
Like its predecessor, Black & White 2 combines different genres of games in a single set. You are going to build sophisticated cities, advancement and soldiers in combat, and if there were not enough, will interact with their giant creatures, a kind of pets that could also serve as " executor. It is both Black & White 2 is surprising that all mixtures at the same time as it does. Even if it is a little more in some areas from time to time.
Black & White 2 is regarded as a god Thursday because you play well, a god. More specifically, you happen to be the god of Greeks, but that does not mean that you are a Zeus or Hera or the traditional pantheon. The property is in a fantasy world which is occupied by the Greeks, Norseman, Japanese, and the Aztecs. The Aztecs began on Thursday bagged the Greek capital, but not before you're able to spirit away a handful of survivors to a distant country in order to start from scratch. This story is a great improvement over the first part, because it provides a reason to see the end, and an enemy raised to take.
as a god, you have a mutual respect for its people. They worship so that you can not exist, and in return you give them and make sure to flourish, thus increasing its influence in the world. It does not mean that you must be a good god, but as the game takes its name from the fact that there May be a good and benevolent god or an evil, bloodthirsty god. For example, requires you to Manna to feed its divine miracles, and this objective can be achieved in getting their followers to worship in an altar, or to randomly select a trailer with his hand all-powerful and launch it in the sacrificial fire. You can take and manipulate objects in its effects, and is also a way to impress people. If you need to construct a building quickly, you can start a three-and-drop in building foundations. Or, if you are a god more patient, it is only to pick up and drop a trailer beside what you want to do, and they receive by pressing.
That said, is that his most important work in Black & White 2 includes the construction of cities. In fact, the city is to build a large part of the game, and can easily spend hours creating each city. There are two main strategies, and both are based on building a great city. You can try to dominate your enemy of peace by building an impressive big city that will not lead people to their side, or you can create a great city that has a large population, which supports a large army, which in turn can be used to crush the other party. Or, as is often the case, you can use a mixture of both to achieve its means, the conquest of peace in some cities, while the conquest of others by force.
challenge of the layout of the city, of course, is that you build something complicated in space. Often, you have a limited number of land to develop, since it is usually the terrain that prevent the expansion of the city in certain directions. Beyond that, you must build a city that can be defended, which means that maintaining the city in defending against the ground, or build walls to keep the IL. As in any city-building games, is a large number of buildings and structures that you need to put in place to support its population, fields to generate food, housing, markets, and much more. The choices that you have a cascading effect on the city. Place a series of slum house its growing population and a desolate city. On the other hand, the placement of houses will be an inefficient use of the limited space available to them. The idea is to establish a balance between its needs and create something functional and enjoyable (at least if you are going to win the Pacific). In the meantime, if you're looking for a militant victory, you still need to create an infrastructure to support large armies. This means that the fields to produce more food, home support workers, arsenals, and much more.
The real act of building the city is easy, thanks to the intuitive control system that allows you to interact with the rest of the world with his all-powerful. The game tells you everything you need to know useful with pop-up buttons, and can meet the needs of their followers by collecting only what they want and place it in the world. The need to build more housing? Just take an existing house, move his form you want to mount a new, and the Foundation said the ground right now. Or, if the need to establish a certain way, just take an existing road and leave the new way you want. The whole system of control is so elegant almost thought you never have to take on the keyboard.
Although the city is building in the heart of Black & White 2, which is also believed as he went a little too long. The first two cities that you can build interesting, but after the last part of the game, you realize that you repeat the process again and again. Most of what you do is to wait until the structures under construction, or for people to race or for a group of immigrants to make their way slowly map to participate in the city. If you are looking for a peaceful victory, trying to shoe horn as many buildings as they can within their borders, a process that you have repeated before at all levels. This process can be extensive, especially on levels where you are on the defensive all the time. The enemy may God send you a natural disaster in its own way, which forces you to build defenses, and that everything that has been slaughtered. And while you can lock a number of new buildings during the game, it is a point where you have locked in place and almost everything is still under construction a copy of what he has built before.
Game Info.
Publisher: EA Games
Developer: Lionhead Studios
Genre: Real-Time Strategy
Release Date: Oct 4, 2005 (more)
ESRB Descriptors: Crude Humor, Use of Alcohol, Violence
Minimum System Requirements
System: Intel Pentium 4 1.6 GHz or equivalent
RAM: 512 MB
Video Memory: 64 MB
Hard Drive Space: 3500 MB
Other: DirectX 8+ based, DirectX 9c+ (supplied with install)
Screen Shots

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