If you are going to rip off a game, this is a good idea to make sure that you choose one that is both current and success. Hence, it is difficult to understand what DR Studios thought when she decided to redo essentially 1997 Item bomb Hospital. The British developer of the Hospital Tycoon is like a reheated version of Bullfrog former hospital Sim, which is a cheap copy of the theme park. Predictability, this copy of a copy of a copy is bland and derivative instruments, with only a halfhearted attempt to establish a Sims-style environment mean that apart from all other Shovelware there with the magnate crowded word in their titles.
Curiously, the biggest difference between Theme Hospital and the Hospital Tycoon is that it has a more developed theme. Given that the decade-old Bullfrog Thursday was a god right game, the game's history mode falls here on a soap opera with all the anxieties and double cheese as a TV show ER or after - noon, Santa shop elsewhere. In addition to the tasks tycoon game, you need to follow getaway doc heartthrob Rick Steele and the rest of the staff at the hospital Sapphire Beach. Everything here is certainly more fantasy than reality. The glass walls of the hospital looks more like the famous Sydney Opera usual pile of bricks through the healing rooms in most metropolitan areas these days. Steele and a daughter nurse appears on posters throughout the investigation. And patients complain kooky names of diseases that mummifried and lightbulbia. It is probably better than having to face budget cuts, fat nurses, wonderful people and in case of emergency or the flesh-eating disease goiters bulky, but is simply too tailored for children here.
DR Studios try to make progress in this soap-Sims feel like characters who speak in simlish illegible, personality traits, and establish links or hatred for each other teams. Like The Sims, you take control of these yobs and force them to commit acts on each other, the press and intimidate, or social events that have shaken hands and pests, but is rarely a point of doing so. The world is mostly on what is best left outside of staff is running on autopilot and interact, but they want. This leads to different performances on the problems of seeing. Why are popular Doc Buffman do with the nurse Dakota hated? Why is a professor and a nurse Brahms Daisy ridicule tickle the struggle in the room? You never know. Or care, because these actions have little impact on their goals are compatible with the proven cure diseases such as the creation of specific equipment, and beautify the corridors of the hospital with fountains, statues, etc. .
All things
Sims is not is not well with the management aspects of the game whatsoever, and that really sticks like a lot of thumb when it leaves episodes in history to play tray sand (which, as the chances have been made in a short period of time, all of which history is really add Cutscene deaf, offbeat stories on personnel, and things that are missing glass filled with dangerous bacteria ). Thursday mechanical stick to the god-game plan each stage of the process, without having to leave the room or real need for doctors and nurses to play Panky-handkerchief in the operating companies. Patients come with a foreigner, apparently humorous diseases such as explosives or sneezing golf rabies or other diseases that can not immediately identify. Then, to build the hall for making the diagnosis, research to find the unknown diseases, particularly equipment operating rooms and bathrooms acid to treat them. It is a real lather, rinse, repeat something happening here.
Game Info.
Publisher: Codemasters
Developer: Big Red Software
Genre: Business Strategy
Release Date: Jun 5, 2007 (more)
ESRB Descriptors: Crude Humor, Mild Violence, Mild Suggestive Themes
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